ANP Maritime General Service Respirator training

The General Service Respirator evolution (GSR) respiratory protection mask was successfully built, fitted, repaired, and tested by ANP Maritime in collaboration with 3M Scott Safety for the Royal Saudi Naval Force. The GSR is an advanced respirator employed by the UK Armed Forces as part of their respiratory protection system because it provides greater protection against Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) hazards than other negative pressure respirators. "ANP is honoured to help the RSNF provide this important personal safety training session. ANP Maritime has successfully collaborated with our delivery partners to deliver a specialised DSAT-compliant course employing our ex-RN service teachers, adding significant value to the supply chain" Ray Thomson, director of maritime training, remarked. As part of a larger BAE Systems requirement, it is anticipated that the successful pilot course may result in more training packages from MCA-acc...