Did You Know The Popular Types of Stretchers?

Anp Pharma
A stretcher or litter is an apparatus used for moving patients who require medical care. Two or more people must carry a basic type (cot or bedding). A wheeled stretcher (known as a gurney or cart) is usually equipped with variable height frames, wheels, skids or tracks.

            The stretchers are essentially used in acute out-of-hospital care conditions by emergency medical services (EMS), military, and search and rescue staff. In history, an early stretcher, likely made of wicker over a frame, appears in a manuscript from c.1380. Simple stretchers were much common with militaries right through the middle of the 20th century. In this blog, we will learn about different type of stretchers.

Simple Stretcher:
Simple stretchers are the most basic type. They are lightweight and portable. They are made of canvas or other synthetic material. They are structured as suspended between two poles or tubular aluminium frame. Many are stored as the disaster supplies and are often former military tools and equipment.

Folding Stretcher:
The folding stretcher, also known as a collapsible stretcher or top deck, is similar in design to the simple stretcher. Additionally, they feature one or more hinged points of articulation to allow the stretcher to be collapsed into a more compact form. This helps for easier handling or storage. In some models of folding stretcher even allow the patients to sit upright in a Fowler's position.

Scoop Stretcher:
The scoop stretchers are used for lifting patients. They are used to lift the patients from the ground onto an ambulance stretcher or a spinal board. The two ends of the scoop stretcher can be detached from each other, and it can be split into two longitudinal halves. With obese patients, while closing the stretcher, it might accidentally pinch the patient's back. So, the hospital staff should be careful when carrying out this procedure.

Basket Stretcher:
The basket stretchers, also known as a rescue basket or litters, are designed to be used where there are obstacles to movement or any other hazards. Commonly, it is shaped to accommodate an adult in a face-up position, and it is mostly used in search and rescue operations by military and paramedics. The person is firmly strapped into the basket, making safe evacuation possible. The basket stretcher has raised sides and often comprises a removable head/torso cover for patient safety. After the person is secured in the litter, the offspring may be wheeled, carried by hand, or mounted on an ATV. The basket stretcher can also be towed behind skis, or horse, snowmobile, lifted or lowered on high angle ropes, or hoisted by helicopter.


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