Did You Know These Important Facts About Kawasaki Disease?

K awasaki Disease is one of the leading cause of acquired heart disease in newborns and young children. In this condition, the inflammation the blood vessels is observed, and the symptoms can get severe. Children develop a high fever for several days, rash, swollen neck glands, swollen hands and feet, and red eyes, lips, and tongue. Early on, Kawasaki Disease can affect the function of the heart muscle or the heart valves. If it is recognised and treated early, children can begin to feel better in a few days with a low chance of long-term heart problems. Fast Facts: ● 80% to 90% of Kawasaki Disease cases occur in children under age 5 and older than six months. ● Kawasaki Disease is not infectious. The disease does not spread among family members or other children around the child with Kawasaki disease. ● Kawasaki Disease occurs more often in...