Medical equipment required on board on Ships

Medical protection is essential for any ship's marine & offshore crew. All the ships are needed to carry a small medicine chest and medical facilities. The contains this chest and list of medical equipment should comply with the suggestions provided in the recent edition of the WHO ‘International Medical Guide for Ships’.

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The shipowners should ensure that employees or people on board their ships have immediate access to the essential medicine, therapeutic equipment and tools for diagnosis and medical treatment. They should also have medical and occupational health security information as well as expertise. The quality if medicines and equipment must be comparable to that offered to workers ashore.

The list assumes that onboard medical treatment is administered by an officer working under the responsibility of the shipmaster. Ships with a doctor on board can carry an added range of drugs and other medical equipment.

The list should comprise for every item in the medicinal supplies.
     Expiry date.
     Storage conditions
     Quantities that are remaining after purchase or use.

A record of treatment provided to any person on board, including the variety and amount of any medications administered must be immediately entered in the ship’s log.

The master of the ship is considered liable for maintaining medical supplies kept on board. Although he might delegate these responsibility for their use as well as maintenance to a well trained crew member. It is also permitted to have on board a supply of sildenafil citrate. Nevertheless, however well-trained, the ship crew members are not medically qualified. A physician should always be consulted about severe injury or illness or when any doubt exists about the precise action to take while treating a patient.

The medicines as well as medical equipment must be inspected in a specific period. The period should not exceeding 12 months, by the appointed medical officer on board, who shall secure that the drug labelling, its expiry dates and conditions of medicine storage and directions for their use are properly checked. The appointed officer will also check all medicinal equipment functioning as expected. Regular checking of medicinal supply and equipment can guarantee that there will be no failure during the time of emergencies.


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