The Side Effects & benefits of Amlodipine Tablets


The Side Effects & benefits of Amlodipine Tablets

Amlodipine is used as a medicine to treat high blood pressure/hypertension. It was first marketed under the name Norvasc at its launch. It is available as both a brand name and a generic drug.

Benefits of Amlodipine

When used as a drug to treat high BP, Amlodipine tablets also helps in the prevention of heart diseases that is a probable threat for blood pressure patients in the future. Heart attacks and strokes can be prevented with the regular administration of Amlodipine 5mg tablets in high blood pressure patients. Chest pains usually caused by heart diseases can be prevented by using these blood pressure tablets. Amlodipine helps bring down your blood pressure. This makes it easy for the heart to pump blood to the various parts of your body. Doctors advise the tablet to be taken at least once a day. It can be taken at any time of the day, provided you take it the same time every day. Istin and Amlostin are other brand names of this medicine. This prescription drug can be taken by adults and children over six years of age. This is a prescription drug in the UK and can be swallowed as a tablet or consumed in the form of a liquid.

Side effects of Amlodipine

Swollen ankles, headache, feeling tired and flushing in the face are some of the most common side effects of Amlodipine. Eating a lot of grapefruit has been seen to worsen the effects of Amlodipine.  Grapefruit juice causes a concentration of Amlodipine and aggravates the side effects. These however subside in a few days. Overdose can cause dizziness and sleep. Consult your doctor immediately if this ever happens and make sure to carry the packet of medicine when you meet the doctor. Do not consume Amlodipine tablets by mixing them with other food or liquids. The Amlodipine tablets should only be taken after consultation with your doctor or GP.

Amlodipine is currently available in as tablets (Amlodipine Tablets 5mg x 28) on ANP Pharma’s website. The product code is ANP-00416. ANP Pharma is one of the fastest growing single-source suppliers of complete medical solutions worldwide.


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