How Can I Immediately Lower my Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure or hypertension occurs due to tightening of small blood vessels, also known as arterioles. To combat this condition, the heart has to work overtime to fight this resistance in the narrow blood vessels. This can elevate the pressure in the vessels, which sometimes may require immediate treatment for high blood pressure. Hypertension is a silent killer that affects millions of people worldwide and if left untreated, it can exponentially increase the risk of a stroke or heart diseases. Before educating you about how to lower blood pressure on the spot , it is important to identify if you are suffering from high blood pressure with complications such as a stroke or a heart attack, which may then require you to immediately contact a physician or visit your nearest health facility. If there are no complications, the first thing you can do is calm down and leave the task or work that you were engaged in. Take deep breaths and lie flat on your back. If calm...