How is Malaria Treated and Prevented?


How is Malaria Treated and Prevented?

Malaria kills more than one million people each year, which makes it an overwhelming global medial phenomenon. However, the control of malaria is quite straightforward with anti-malaria medicines and other preventive measures.

Prevention of Malaria

Preventing malaria is easier if the issue is tackled early. Being proactive is key here. Following are some guidelines that can facilitate prevention of malaria.

I.            Invest in insecticide-treated nets for beds. This will discourage the malaria-carrying mosquitos to bite you at night. They can be  the ultimate life-saving barrier between yourself and a disease-carrying mosquito.

II.            Women during pregnancy have a lower immunity, due to which they are more susceptible to malaria. Treating them with anti-malaria medicine should be a priority and can help save the life of both the mother and the child.

III.            Educating yourself is also crucial in prevention of malaria. You should educate yourself by understanding the disease, its symptoms, and options for treatment of malaria and preventive methods. The key factor in saving lives is to act quickly once the symptoms manifest and do a full course for anti-malaria medicine, such as generic Malarone.

IV.            Cleaning up your surroundings is also an important step that can save you and your loved ones from malaria. Get rid of any stagnant pools of water around residential areas and clear bushes that can house hordes of mosquitos. Instead plant lemon grass, which repel mosquitos.

How Can Malaria Be Treated?

There are many effective malaria prevention tablets that can be used to prevent malaria, or in case of being effected, several genres of anti-malaria medications, such as generic Malarone can be used to treat it.

However, regardless of the effectiveness of a drug, the most essential part of treatment of malaria` is correct and speedy diagnosis, followed by immediate treatment. The majority of deaths that occur due to malaria are due to late diagnosis or treatment.

There are some types of malaria that can be fatal within days, while other types can be treated if the patient is taken to a nearby clinic with haste and provided with an anti-malaria medicine. Most deaths from malaria occur in regions where patients don’t have easy access to proper health facilities.

These remote areas report more deaths due to lack of control of malaria symptoms and proper malaria prevention tablets. Another reason for deaths from malaria is drug resistance. In most African countries, people have developed resistance to common anti-malaria medicine chloroquine, which is the cheapest and widely available option available to them. However, newer more effective drugs, such as generic Malarone, are a better option for people with drug resistance.


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