6 Ways to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy


6 Ways to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

The digestive system has a major impact on our everyday functions. It governs a good part of an individual's day to day life.  From facilitating the production of energy to absorbing nutrients to determining the route of your mood, there are a variety of reasons as to why you need to keep your digestive system healthy.

 What is the digestive system?

 The digestive system consists of the organs which are responsible for the task of breaking down your food. This is done to absorb nutrients and expel unnecessary waste. Their system includes several organs namely, the digestive tract, liver, pancreas and gallbladder.

 Here are 6 tips to keep your digestive system healthy:

 Eat healthy foods — To help your digestive system flourish and to get the maximum out of the food you intake, make sure you consume the healthiest of all foods. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables (mostly green veggies) and both insoluble and soluble sources of fibre. Soluble fibre is commonly found in foods like oat bran, beans, barley, nuts, seeds and so on. These foods help the digestive system absorb large amounts of water. Insoluble fibre found in foods such as wheat bran, whole grains and vegetables keeps everything smoothly moving through your digestive tract which aids in proper digestion.

 Stay hydrated — Drinking plenty of water helps your digestive system function without any complications. Drinking water helps to keep the system smooth. As per guidelines, it is recommended that women drink 2.7 litres of water per day, whereas men are required to drink a slightly higher amount of water at 3.7 litres per day.

 Consume probiotics — Probiotics have been recently doing rounds given their unparalleled effectiveness. These good bacteria in your stomach are essential and can be added to your diet by eating yoghurt or the likes of fermented foods. They can also be consumed in the form of everyday supplements.

Exercise is the key — Exercise is the key to living a healthy life. Proper exercise increases blood flow and metabolism that aids in smoother digestion.

 Visit a doctor — If you experience digestive problems regularly, it is important to meet a doctor. Under no circumstances should a visit to the doctor be avoided. Avoid self-medication. 

Skip the bad habits: Regressive habits such as smoking, excessive caffeine or consumption of excess alcohol can all cause issues related to the digestive system. It can even lead to problems like stomach ulcers and heartburn.

 It takes very little to take care of the digestive system. So always make sure you follow these simple steps to ensure absolute gut health.


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