What Should Be in a Home First Aid Kit?


It is very important to have a well-stocked first-aid kit. Especially in one's houses as we never know when and where we may be needing one. The firstaid kit

can help you deal with minor accidents and unplanned injuries with ease.

 The packaged medical kit should always be kept locked and in a cool dry place that is out of reach of kids at home.

 You can also opt for smarter choices by keeping a small first aid kit in places like your car for emergencies.

First aid kits or the packaged medical kit,

typically include a variety of supplies. This in turn helps to deal with cuts, scrapes, bleeding, injuries like sprains and burns and so on. You can craft your kid or purchase easily prepared kits online. To make a useful kit, you need to know the actual useful contents in it. The kit should contain everything that is required in a first aid kit.

 A basic first aid kit for your family should comprise of the following objects and medications:

 ● 2 absorbent compress dressings. These dressings are essential to dress wounds of different kinds of wounds. They are approximate of sign (5 x 9 inches).

● 25 adhesive bandages as per requirement. They can be assorted as per the family's desired sizes.

● A single adhesive cloth tape

● A 5-day course of antibiotic tablets.

● Pack of 5 antibiotic ointment packets of 1 gm each.

● 1 instant cold compress in case of swollen wounds.

● A couple of large, non-latex gloves

● 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets

● Scissors ( preferably surgical)

● 5 antiseptic wipe packets

● 2 packets of aspirin for immediate relief

● Paracetamol tablets

● 1 breathing barrier (present with a one-way valve)

● Roller bandages

● 5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches)

● 5 sterile gauze pads

● Oral thermometer (maybe of mercury or non-mercury

● Tweezers

● First aid instruction booklet

● Flashlight or glow sticks

Having a first aid kit ready in this day and age is extremely important. This is more so because we never know the uncertainty of any given situation.


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