6 Possible Reasons Why You Have Swollen Feet, Ankles or Legs

 1. Oedema

Oedema is the medical term that is generally used for swelling when it occurs due to fluid becoming trapped in the body’s various tissues. It generally affects the legs and feet but can also occur in a variety of other body parts such as the abdomen or face.  The other signs of oedema include

        ● shiny, stretched skin that is spread over the affected area.

        ● skin shows signs of dimpling after applying pressure on it.

2. Foot or ankle injury 

Any traumatizing event including the foot or ankle may lead to unwanted swelling. It can also cause swelling in any area of the body. For instance, if there's a sprained ankle where the ligaments become overstretched and lead to swelling of the foot.

3. Pregnancy

Though not much known about, pregnancy can also be the cause behind that Swollen Feet or Ankles Issues. A very well known symptom of late pregnancy is when there's a visible increase in the feet and ankles. This swelling mainly occurs due to fluid retention and increased pressure on the present veins.

4. Preeclampsia

If swelling during the period of gestation is of sudden onset and is pretty severe, it could be a possible sign of preeclampsia. This is a condition that is known to occur during pregnancy or just right after birth. Symptoms come along with protein in the urine, a marked high blood pressure, rapid excessive fluid retention and so on. Visit a travel clinic for further information.

5. Varied factors:

A variety of reasons that can lead to swelling of ankle or foot are as follows:

        Lifestyle factors- various lifestyle factors can with time lead to swollen feet. These factors include:

            ○ having a sedentary or monotonous lifestyle where there's not much physical activity.

            ○ being grossly overweight

            ○ Never wearing well-fitted shoes.

 6. side effect of medication

Taking certain medications can be the main reason behind foot swelling.

Some medications that can induce swelling are as follows:

       ● hormones, like estrogen and testosterone

       ● calcium-channel blockers


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