6 Things to Know About Lung Cancer


 1. Lung cancer can be deadly — but there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Lung cancer has earned a reputation for being one of the most dreaded forms of cancer. But, as more people focus on giving up on smoking there's a ray of hope in the reduction of cases of lung cancer. Also, early detection and treatment strategies have improved over time and the results are getting more and more hopeful. There's a visible lowering of the death rate due to lung cancers.

 2. There aren’t any early warning signs to look out for 

In the case of lung cancers, there aren't any visible signs in the beginning. Cough and weight loss are the first symptoms to appear and by the time they appear, it generally gets late. You might also have the feeling of fatigue and severe chest pain coupled up with shortness of breath and other symptoms like wheezing or even coughing up blood. But by the time these symptoms appear, there are chances that they already have passed the curable stage of cancer.

 3. Never miss out on your chance of lung cancer screening.

Lung cancer screening is known to potentially diagnose lung cancer in its latent stage. Exposure to low-dose CT scans is carried out and it is a good way to catch lung cancer in people who are at the highest risk. Refer to a Travel clinic to know more.

 4. There are a plethora of risk factors for lung cancer and it isn't just limited to smoking.

Linked to 80%-90% of lung cancer-related deaths, undoubtedly smoking kept at the biggest risk for developing lung cancer. But it is to be kept in mind that lung cancer isn't just limited to smoking.  After smoking, the second most well-known cause of lung cancer is the emission of radon. It is natural gas.

 5. Cases in younger people and nonsmokers are on the all-time rise.

There's a visible increase in the number of young non-smokers being affected by lung cancer. PCR Test can be opted for.

6. New advanced treatments are being made available.

There has been an increase in the technological advancements that have made their way into treating lung cancer.


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